Jack’s Rock Blog
Don’t Worry – Be Happy!
Over the last two days Kathi and I managed to add 78 new Worry Stones to the site. Worry Stones are sort of the redheaded stepchild of the mineral world. The vast majority are produced for mass selling in tourist type shops, and generally produced from very low grade material to be sold for a few dollars apiece. Kathi...
Just Added
We are cranking away as fast as we can to get new stones up on the site. We have just added or updated the following four groups: Ocean Jasper Drusy These are one of our favorites. From Madagascar, these display pieces are a combination of Ocean Jasper and gorgeous Quartz crystals. We had been out of these for a couple of...
Save For Later Wish List
We recently added a very helpful feature to the Kathi's Krystals website. Once you are logged into the site, you can now mark any item as "Save for Later". If so marked, the item will show up underneath any items currently included in your shopping cart. It is like a "Wish List" of items that you hope to purchase in the...
Ebay Listings October 30
We are listing 153 auctions on eBay starting at 8:15 pm Mountain Time this evening. There are going to be some really awesome stones available. Here is the link to where you can see the auctions. There is a twice per year time artifact affecting these auctions, so if you are interested in bidding on an item please note...
If You Don’t See What You Want…
We have been going through our busiest period in the history of Kathi's Krystals. As fast as we can get stones loaded onto the website, they seem to get purchased. If we had nothing to do but stock the website we probably would barely be able to keep up. Given our eBay work and direct sales, it seems, at times, like an...
New Stones Listed
We have had an incredibly busy week. We had 157 eBay auctions end on Wednesday night, and we had our second best cycle ever. Even though we have been crazy mailing out the sold items, and finished having advertising for Kathi's Krystals placed on the back of our car, we managed to get 79 new stones added to the website....
Testimonials Page
Yesterday we added a Testimonials Page to the website. This is something that we should have done 5 years ago, but somehow never got around to. Thanks to our wonderful clients who have already contributed comments, and if you would like to join them, just click on the email link on the page.
How Plans Change
It is very true that the process of running one's own business, big or small, expands to fill all available time. Further, on any given day, the plans for that day may wind up being preempted by events or activities that represent higher priority. Yesterday was such a day. I had planned to spend the day pulling, measuring...
October 9 eBay Auctions
We have 157 auctions going up on eBay this evening. They will end on the evening of Wednesday the 16th. This will be the largest eBay cycle that we have run. Of special note are the incredible Iris Agate, Dendritic Jaspers and a Dendritic Yellow Quartz, a crazy Black Moonstone, the brand new Silver Sheen Obsidian, a...
October Auctions
Today we started the time-consuming task of getting our next set of eBay auctions listed. We are aiming to have them up by the evening of the ninth. It takes Kathi and myself about 40 man-hours of work from start to finish of one eBay cycle. This time I have 62 items to pull to complete the sheet that Kathi gives me...