Pietersite is described as a chaotic mixture of different colors of Tiger Eye along with other material. It is a highly sought-after and rare stone, and top quality material can be absolutely stunning.
Pietersite was at the top of my (Jack) list heading to Tucson in 2017. I looked for it everywhere to no avail, and had just about given up hope for another year.
Then, with just a couple of days to go, I ran into the owners of the only active Pietersite mine in the world. The mine is in Namibia in Africa, and the material from this deposit is the nicest Pietersite that we have ever seen.
The dealer did not have any true Palm Stones, but did have many bags of absolutely gorgeous tumbled stones, ranging in size from small to extra-large. I quickly realized that the best of the extra-large stones could serve very well as Palm Stones for the website.
I purchased three kilograms of the biggest guys, which came out to be over 300 stones. I already wish that I had purchased much more given the reactions to them by our clients here at the shop.
We picked out some of the very best pieces to list here, and are thrilled for the opportunity to do so.
One final note: Many of these pieces, especially the flatter ones, would make beautiful pendants for anyone who is into wrapping stones. Many of our clients who have been purchasing these directly have been doing so for just that purpose.
We hope that you enjoy looking at these beautiful mineral specimens.
Showing all 8 results
Pietersite Palm Stone #10
$34.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #25
$69.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #30
$69.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #28
$69.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #7
$39.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #26
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Pietersite Palm Stone #29
$59.95 Add to cart -
Pietersite Palm Stone #32
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- +Crystal Clusters
- +Display Specimens
- Ema Eggs
- +Fluorescent Minerals
- +Agate
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- +Aragonite
- +Calcite
- Cinnabrite
- Dendritic Opal
- +Fluorite
- Kunzite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Mexican Blue Opal
- +Moonstone
- Rainforest Rhyolite/Jasper
- Red Coral
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite – Sparkling
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby in Kyanite
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tiffany Stone
- Gift Card
- +Handcrafted Jewelry
- +Earrings
- +Pendants
- Amazonite
- Aquamarine
- Brazilian Agate
- Coral
- Crazy Lace Agate
- Dendritic Opal/Agate
- Dryhead Agate
- Eudialyte
- Jade
- Labradorite
- Malachite
- Mookaite
- Moss Agate
- Mozambique Agate
- Ocean Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- Rhodonite
- Sierra Madre Agate
- Sonora Picture Jasper
- Spiny Oyster Shell
- Tiger Eye
- +Hearts
- Amazonite
- Black Onyx
- Blue Calcite
- Blue Goldstone
- Brecciated Jasper
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Goldstone
- Green Aventurine
- Hematite
- Howlite
- Landscape Jasper
- Malachite
- Mohagany Obsidian
- Mookaite
- Orange Calcite
- Picasso Marble
- Picture Jasper
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Red Hematoid Quartz
- Rhodonite
- Rose Quartz
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Tiger Jasper
- Unakite
- +Massage Wands
- +Medallions and Slabs
- +Mineral Varieties
- +Agate
- +Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ancestralite
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- Apache Tear
- +Apatite
- Aquamarine
- +Aragonite
- Arfvedsonite
- +Aventurine
- Azurite
- Azurite and Malachite
- Bloodstone
- Bronzite
- +Calcite
- +Carnelian
- Celadonite with Stilbite
- Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Chiastolite
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysocolla
- +Chrysoprase
- Cinnabrite
- +Citrine
- +Coral
- Covellite
- +Crystal Clusters
- Danburite
- Dumortierite
- Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- Fossil Stone
- +Fuchsite
- +Garnet
- Golden Feldspar
- +Goldstone
- Grossular
- +Hematite
- Howlite
- Hypersthene
- Iolite
- +Jade
- +Jasper
- Brecciated Jasper
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- Dalmatian Jasper
- Egyptian Zebra Jasper
- Fancy Jasper
- Hematite Jasper
- Kambaba Jasper
- Landscape Jasper
- Leopard Skin Rhyolite/Jasper
- Moroccan Jasper
- Ocean Jasper
- Owyhee Jasper
- Picture Jasper
- Poppy Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Rainforest Jasper/Rhyolite
- Red Striped Jasper
- Royal Sahara Jasper
- Serape Jasper
- Silver Leaf Jasper
- Sonora Picture Jasper
- Tiger Jasper
- Yellow Feather Jasper
- Zebra Stone (Jasper)
- Jet
- +K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- Kunzite
- +Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Larvikite
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Moldavite
- Mookaite
- +Moonstone
- Mugglestone
- Muscovite
- Nuummite
- +Obsidian
- Olivine/Peridot
- +Onyx
- +Opal
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood
- Phosphosiderite
- Picasso Marble
- Pietersite
- Pink Morganite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- +Prehnite
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- +Pyrite
- Quantum Quattro
- +Quartz
- +Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- +Rhyolite
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite -Sparkling
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby in Kyanite
- +Sapphire
- Sardonyx
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Seraphinite
- +Serpentine
- +Shattuckite
- Shungite
- Sodalite
- Spiny Oyster Shell
- Stilbite
- Stilbite with Heulandite
- +Stromatolite
- +Sugilite
- Sunstone
- +Tanzanite
- Third Eye Agates
- Tiffany Stone
- +Tiger Eye
- +Topaz
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- +Tourmaline
- +Turquoise
- Unakite
- Moldavite
- Olivine/Peridot
- +Palm Stones
- +Agate
- +Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ancestralite
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- +Apatite
- +Aquamarine
- +Aragonite
- Arfvedsonite
- +Aventurine
- Azurite and Malachite
- Bloodstone
- Bowenite/New Jade
- Bronzite
- +Calcite
- Carnelian
- Celadonite with Stilbite
- Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Chiastolite
- Chrysanthemum
- +Chrysoprase
- +Coral
- Dumortierite
- +Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- Fossil Stone
- +Fuchsite
- +Garnet
- Green Tourmaline in Quartz
- +Hematite
- Howlite
- Iolite
- +Jasper
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- Fancy Jasper
- Hematite and Jasper
- Kambaba Jasper
- Landscape Jasper
- Leopardskin Rhyolite/Jasper
- Moroccan Jasper
- +Ocean Jasper
- Owyhee Jasper
- Picture Jasper
- Poppy Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Rainforest Jasper/Rhyolite
- Red Striped Jasper
- Royal Sahara Jasper
- Serape Jasper
- Silver Leaf Jasper
- Tiger Jasper
- Yellow Feather Jasper
- Zebra Stone (Jasper)
- Jet
- +K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- Kunzite
- +Kyanite
- +Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larvikite
- +Lepidolite
- +Malachite
- Mexican Green Turquoise
- Mookaite
- +Moonstone
- Muscovite
- Nuummite
- +Obsidian
- +Opal
- Petrified Wood
- Phosphosiderite
- Pietersite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- Prairie Tanzanite
- Prehnite
- Prehnite with Epidote
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- Quantum Quattro
- +Quartz
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- +Rhyolite
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite -Sparkling
- Ruby in Kyanite
- Sapphire
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Seraphinite
- +Serpentine
- +Shungite
- Sodalite
- Stilbite
- Stilbite with Heulandite
- +Stromatolite
- +Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tiffany Stone
- +Tiger Eye
- +Tourmaline
- +Rare Minerals
- +Spheres
- Third Eye Agates
- +Tumbled Stones
- +Agate
- Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Apache Tear
- +Apatite
- Aquamarine (Grade AA)
- Blue Aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- Bronzite
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- +Calcite
- +Carnelian
- +Charoite
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysoprase
- Cinnabrite
- +Citrine
- Covellite
- Danburite
- Dumortierite
- Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- +Garnet
- Golden Feldspar
- Grossular
- Hematite
- Hypersthene
- Iolite
- +Jade
- K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- +Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Leopardskin Jasper/Rhyolite
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Moonstone
- Mugglestone
- Ocean Jasper
- +Opal
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood (Arizona)
- Pietersite
- Pink Morganite
- Pink Tourmaline/Lepidolite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- +Prehnite
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- +Pyrite
- +Quartz
- +Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Ruby
- Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite)
- +Sapphire
- Sardonyx
- Scolecite
- Seraphinite
- +Shattuckite
- Shungite
- Spider Obsidian
- Stilbite
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tanzanite
- +Topaz
- +Tourmaline
- +Turquoise
- +Worry Stones – Thumb Stones
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Arfvedsonite
- Black Obsidian
- Bloodstone
- Blue Goldstone
- Blue Tiger Eye
- Bowenite (New Jade)
- Brecciated Jasper
- Carnelian
- Chevron Amethyst
- Clear Quartz
- Crazy Lace Agate
- Dalmatian Jasper
- Egyptian Zebra Jasper
- Goldstone
- Green Aventurine
- Green Moss Agate
- Hematite
- Howlite
- K-2/Ketonite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Mookaite
- Multi-Tiger Eye
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Red Tiger Eye
- Rhodonite
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby in Fuchsite
- Serpentine
- Smoky Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Tiger Eye
- Unakite