Iris Agate
Iris Agate is a highly prized and very unique type of Agate.
The stone consists (partly to entirely) of what is known as a diffraction grating. When light passes through the diffraction grating the result is very much like that of a prism, although technically different.
The diffraction grating will often show very thin (or wider) distinct lines of color, and these colors will change as one moves the stone around in front of a bright light source (the Agate is held between the viewer and the light source, such that the light is coming through the stone toward the viewer).
The key when looking at a piece of Iris Agate is to not hold the stone in front of the light source, but slightly below but still in front of the light. Then move the stone slowly up and down and you will see the amazing color display.
This approach is clearly seen in the videos that we have included along with our regular still photos.
We have also included on this page the only large Iris Agate slab that we have. It is close to indescribable in its beauty, and we hope that you enjoy watching its video.
We were amazingly fortunate to obtain these specimens, and our thanks go to our buddy Mark for this opportunity.
Showing all 6 results
- +Crystal Clusters
- +Display Specimens
- Ema Eggs
- +Fluorescent Minerals
- +Agate
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- +Aragonite
- +Calcite
- Cinnabrite
- Dendritic Opal
- +Fluorite
- Kunzite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Mexican Blue Opal
- +Moonstone
- Rainforest Rhyolite/Jasper
- Red Coral
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite – Sparkling
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby in Kyanite
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tiffany Stone
- Gift Card
- +Handcrafted Jewelry
- +Earrings
- +Pendants
- Amazonite
- Aquamarine
- Brazilian Agate
- Coral
- Crazy Lace Agate
- Dendritic Opal/Agate
- Dryhead Agate
- Eudialyte
- Jade
- Labradorite
- Malachite
- Mookaite
- Moss Agate
- Mozambique Agate
- Ocean Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- Rhodonite
- Sierra Madre Agate
- Sonora Picture Jasper
- Spiny Oyster Shell
- Tiger Eye
- +Hearts
- Amazonite
- Black Onyx
- Blue Calcite
- Blue Goldstone
- Brecciated Jasper
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Goldstone
- Green Aventurine
- Hematite
- Howlite
- Landscape Jasper
- Malachite
- Mohagany Obsidian
- Mookaite
- Orange Calcite
- Picasso Marble
- Picture Jasper
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Red Hematoid Quartz
- Rhodonite
- Rose Quartz
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Tiger Jasper
- Unakite
- +Massage Wands
- +Medallions and Slabs
- +Mineral Varieties
- +Agate
- +Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ancestralite
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- Apache Tear
- +Apatite
- Aquamarine
- +Aragonite
- Arfvedsonite
- +Aventurine
- Azurite
- Azurite and Malachite
- Bloodstone
- Bronzite
- +Calcite
- +Carnelian
- Celadonite with Stilbite
- Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Chiastolite
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysocolla
- +Chrysoprase
- Cinnabrite
- +Citrine
- +Coral
- Covellite
- +Crystal Clusters
- Danburite
- Dumortierite
- Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- Fossil Stone
- +Fuchsite
- +Garnet
- Golden Feldspar
- +Goldstone
- Grossular
- +Hematite
- Howlite
- Hypersthene
- Iolite
- +Jade
- +Jasper
- Brecciated Jasper
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- Dalmatian Jasper
- Egyptian Zebra Jasper
- Fancy Jasper
- Hematite Jasper
- Kambaba Jasper
- Landscape Jasper
- Leopard Skin Rhyolite/Jasper
- Moroccan Jasper
- Ocean Jasper
- Owyhee Jasper
- Picture Jasper
- Poppy Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Rainforest Jasper/Rhyolite
- Red Striped Jasper
- Royal Sahara Jasper
- Serape Jasper
- Silver Leaf Jasper
- Sonora Picture Jasper
- Tiger Jasper
- Yellow Feather Jasper
- Zebra Stone (Jasper)
- Jet
- +K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- Kunzite
- +Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Larvikite
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Moldavite
- Mookaite
- +Moonstone
- Mugglestone
- Muscovite
- Nuummite
- +Obsidian
- Olivine/Peridot
- +Onyx
- +Opal
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood
- Phosphosiderite
- Picasso Marble
- Pietersite
- Pink Morganite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- +Prehnite
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- +Pyrite
- Quantum Quattro
- +Quartz
- +Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- +Rhyolite
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite -Sparkling
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby in Kyanite
- +Sapphire
- Sardonyx
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Seraphinite
- +Serpentine
- +Shattuckite
- Shungite
- Sodalite
- Spiny Oyster Shell
- Stilbite
- Stilbite with Heulandite
- +Stromatolite
- +Sugilite
- Sunstone
- +Tanzanite
- Third Eye Agates
- Tiffany Stone
- +Tiger Eye
- +Topaz
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- +Tourmaline
- +Turquoise
- Unakite
- Moldavite
- Olivine/Peridot
- +Palm Stones
- +Agate
- +Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ancestralite
- Anyolite (Ruby in Zoisite)
- +Apatite
- +Aquamarine
- +Aragonite
- Arfvedsonite
- +Aventurine
- Azurite and Malachite
- Bloodstone
- Bowenite/New Jade
- Bronzite
- +Calcite
- Carnelian
- Celadonite with Stilbite
- Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Chiastolite
- Chrysanthemum
- +Chrysoprase
- +Coral
- Dumortierite
- +Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- Fossil Stone
- +Fuchsite
- +Garnet
- Green Tourmaline in Quartz
- +Hematite
- Howlite
- Iolite
- +Jasper
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- Fancy Jasper
- Hematite and Jasper
- Kambaba Jasper
- Landscape Jasper
- Leopardskin Rhyolite/Jasper
- Moroccan Jasper
- +Ocean Jasper
- Owyhee Jasper
- Picture Jasper
- Poppy Jasper
- Porcelain Jasper
- Rainforest Jasper/Rhyolite
- Red Striped Jasper
- Royal Sahara Jasper
- Serape Jasper
- Silver Leaf Jasper
- Tiger Jasper
- Yellow Feather Jasper
- Zebra Stone (Jasper)
- Jet
- +K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- Kunzite
- +Kyanite
- +Labradorite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larvikite
- +Lepidolite
- +Malachite
- Mexican Green Turquoise
- Mookaite
- +Moonstone
- Muscovite
- Nuummite
- +Obsidian
- +Opal
- Petrified Wood
- Phosphosiderite
- Pietersite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- Prairie Tanzanite
- Prehnite
- Prehnite with Epidote
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- Quantum Quattro
- +Quartz
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- +Rhyolite
- Ruby
- +Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Fuchsite with Kyanite -Sparkling
- Ruby in Kyanite
- Sapphire
- Scolecite
- Selenite
- Seraphinite
- +Serpentine
- +Shungite
- Sodalite
- Stilbite
- Stilbite with Heulandite
- +Stromatolite
- +Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tiffany Stone
- +Tiger Eye
- +Tourmaline
- +Rare Minerals
- +Spheres
- Third Eye Agates
- +Tumbled Stones
- +Agate
- Amazonite
- Amber
- +Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Apache Tear
- +Apatite
- Aquamarine (Grade AA)
- Blue Aragonite
- Blue Chalcedony
- Bronzite
- Bumble Bee Jasper
- +Calcite
- +Carnelian
- +Charoite
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysoprase
- Cinnabrite
- +Citrine
- Covellite
- Danburite
- Dumortierite
- Emerald
- Eudialyte
- +Fluorite
- +Garnet
- Golden Feldspar
- Grossular
- Hematite
- Hypersthene
- Iolite
- +Jade
- K-2 Stone/Ketonite
- +Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Larimar
- Leopardskin Jasper/Rhyolite
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Moonstone
- Mugglestone
- Ocean Jasper
- +Opal
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood (Arizona)
- Pietersite
- Pink Morganite
- Pink Tourmaline/Lepidolite
- Pinolite (Pinolith)
- +Prehnite
- Preseli Bluestone (Stonehenge)
- +Pyrite
- +Quartz
- +Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Ruby
- Ruby in Fuchsite
- Ruby in Granite
- Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite)
- +Sapphire
- Sardonyx
- Scolecite
- Seraphinite
- +Shattuckite
- Shungite
- Spider Obsidian
- Stilbite
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Tanzanite
- +Topaz
- +Tourmaline
- +Turquoise
- +Worry Stones – Thumb Stones
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Arfvedsonite
- Black Obsidian
- Bloodstone
- Blue Goldstone
- Blue Tiger Eye
- Bowenite (New Jade)
- Brecciated Jasper
- Carnelian
- Chevron Amethyst
- Clear Quartz
- Crazy Lace Agate
- Dalmatian Jasper
- Egyptian Zebra Jasper
- Goldstone
- Green Aventurine
- Green Moss Agate
- Hematite
- Howlite
- K-2/Ketonite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lepidolite
- Malachite
- Mookaite
- Multi-Tiger Eye
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Red Tiger Eye
- Rhodonite
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby in Fuchsite
- Serpentine
- Smoky Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Tiger Eye
- Unakite